



Friday, 12 July 2013

Things I saw in the woods today, part 35

The woods and meadows were busy this morning with this particular butterfly known as a 'ringlet'. I caught one as he landed in the meadow and opened his wings wide. A second later he was gone.
Just dropping by

Ringlet butterfly

The symmetry in nature never ceases to amaze me- this ear of grass seeds is just perfect in its own way and requires no effusive description.
Pretty wild orchid just blooming today. Bright pink flowers are quite unusual and even moreso as orchids. The orchids are the last of the wild flowers before the meadow will be turned into hay.
Dog rose
The dog rose produces plump rosehips- the biggest of all I have observed- and which make the best jam. The dog rose is the mother of our cultivated roses and grows wild usually close to woodland.

Right angles
And finally...right angles in nature. Something I have not seen that often, if ever.

Photos copyright SvD.

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