



Friday 23 February 2018

What really matters...

What are the chances of walking into a wheat field, feeling like hell because you've spent the past week lying in bed wracked with fever and never felt so despairing, that you'd spot a heart-shaped stone poking out of the frozen earth?

Photo copyright SvD.

Tuesday 20 February 2018


This sheep greets me every morning, or rather, she races off in that skittish, Benny Hill way as she sees the hound approaching, out of breath, careering towards her on rheumatic, geriatric legs. I love the black patch surrounding the ewe's eye. This is a ewe by the way, that means she's a girl. Rams have broad faces which resemble satyrs.  A ram's face is quite literally one of the most captivating and spellbinding images- it evokes mythology and mysticism in its sheer beauty. A ram's life is especially envious because he must shag the ewes to produce lambs. Whereas the ewes will eventually be sold for mutton, as long as the rams can keep getting a leg over, they stay out of the abattoir. As you can see in the photo, there is no sun where I live.
Photo copyright SvD.