



Sunday 7 November 2021

A Christmas Story

I heard this story at mass today and am posting it here for no other reason except that I hope it makes you feel good.

An impoverished home on Christmas Eve where a three year old girl is grappling with a roll of gold paper while she wraps a gift. Her father berates her for using too much paper. The little girl continues wrapping the box, her small hands clumsily cutting and folding the paper while her father scolds her loudly.

On Christmas Day she hands the box to her father. 'This is for you, Daddy.' Her father, filled with remorse, hugs the child and thanks her warmly. He opens the box and there is nothing in it. Once again he flies into a rage and screams, 'Don't you know that when you give a gift that there should be something in the box?!' The little girl's eyes fill with tears. 'There is something in it, Daddy! I filled the box with kisses for you.'

Photo copyright SvD.