



Sunday 18 March 2018

Count your blessings

Photo copyright SvD.

A newborn lamb stares at his mate who froze to death last night. This morning the farmer told me he was lucky to have lost only one. Note how the ground has been trampled - the sheep had all gathered around the lambs in an effort to keep them warm. Sadly one didn't make it.

Another lamb had escaped from the field and I helped the farmer catch it. All of this before breakfast.

Remember, there is always someone worse off than you.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Think a bit differently now and then.

Revelation: You don't need a bread tin to make bread. Why not improvise with whatever you've got? This may sound obvious but it only dawned on me when I was watching a documentary about an elderly woman who chooses to live alone as a hermit in the Russian wilderness. I suddenly realised: think. Think outside the box in your head.

Photo copyright SvD.

Friday 2 March 2018

Beast from the East meets The Therapist

They say dogs are therapists on four legs. Here's my hound enjoying himself in spite of The Beast from the East.

Photo copyright SvD.