



Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Things I saw in the woods today, part 34

More on the secret language of trees...

The bark stripped away, the pared remains a deathly grey brown. All things must come to an end.
A dead tree

Herb-Robert is easy to spot by its smell and small veined pink flowers. "Various theories have been advanced to account for the name of this plant. The most probable one is that it is named after Robert, the French Abbot who founded the Cistercian Order at the end of the 11th century. Another theory has it that the herb was used to cure a disease known in Germany as Robert's Plague, hence its name. Old Culpepper says that Herb Robert is good for staying blood, healing wounds and curing ulcers." (British Wild Flowers, C. A. Hall)

Of course, I simply must post another shot of my favourite tree in the woods- a humungous beech that must be over 300 years old given the size of its trunk. I often stop under this tree during my walks with the hound, just to marvel at it. I told the tree today that I wished I was a tree sometimes. I immediately got a strong feeling that the tree wouldn't wish that fate on anyone. How odd!

My favourite tree
Photos copyright SvD.

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